Selvidge Middle School Points of Pride

  • Ranked 11th out of 542 public middle schools in the state (
  • Ranked in the top 3% of public middle schools in the nation (
  • Ranked 9th public middle school in the St. Louis area (
  • National and Missouri State School of Character since 2015
  • Multiple Promising Practices awards from Character Plus
  • Named a Unified School in December 2024
  • 12+ acres of outdoor classroom space on our Nature Trail, which has more than 2,200 feet of trail
  • Strong, continuous support from parents and community involvement
  • Selvidge's Stallion Cup recognizes students with first semester GPA's of 3.5 or above as well as character recognition
  • Students have been recognized at the district, local, state and national levels in multiple curriculum competitions and projects

Our Students

Nothing has been selected to display.

Enrollment By Grade

Grade Level Count
6th Grade 181
7th Grade 203
8th Grade 200
Total Enrollment


* Some values are not shown in order to protect small student populations.
Demographic Group Count
American Indian/Alaska Native *
Asian 17.1%
Black 8.6%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander *
Hispanic 6.1%
Multiracial 5.8%
White 62.4%

Our Staff

have advanced degrees
average years' experience
student/teacher ratio

Calendar Days and Attendance

days scheduled
proportional attendance rate
minimum hours of instruction

You may view more information on the Missouri Comprehensive Data System. This website from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) contains pertinent school-related data at the state, district and school level.

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