Rockwood Summit High School Points of Pride

  • Committed to working together to create opportunities for students to thrive.
  • 80% of graduates from the Class of 2023 attending 2 or 4 year college/university
  • Niche ranking in 2022 #10
  • Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Distinguished School Award from 2020-2023
  • Ranked #22 in Top Missouri Schools by US News and World Report in 2023
  • Two students named National Merit Finalists in 2023
  • 35 graduating seniors from the Class of 2023 qualified for Bright Flight
  • 80% of students who took AP exams in 2023 scored 3 or higher
  • Yearbook has earned 11 All-American Awards from the National Scholastic Press Association
  • KFTN student radio station was a finalist for Best High School Radio Station in the nation in 2019
  • Grant program in conjunction with Bayer for biodiesel production. The Biodiesel program produces and promotes renewable fuel.
  • More than 80% of our students participate in athletic teams, academic and interest clubs and honor societies.
  • State championships for both team and individual athletes: softball (1998, 2006), baseball (2012), girls soccer (2018), boys soccer (2016, 2019), wrestling (5 individual state titles), boys track (team 2017, several individual state titles), girls track (several individual titles), girls lacrosse (2019), girls golf (2020)
  • 24 teachers have earned National Board Certification

Our Students

Nothing has been selected to display.

Enrollment By Grade

Grade Level Count
9th Grade 298
10th Grade 284
11th Grade 304
12th Grade 310
Total Enrollment


* Some values are not shown in order to protect small student populations.
Demographic Group Count
American Indian/Alaska Native *
Asian 3.4%
Black 8.0%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander *
Hispanic 4.0%
Multiracial 3.6%
White 80.8%

Our Staff

have advanced degrees
average years' experience
student/teacher ratio

Calendar Days and Attendance

days scheduled
proportional attendance rate
minimum hours of instruction

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