Bowles Elementary School Points of Pride

  • National School of Character
  • Missouri State School of Character
  • Character Plus Promising Practice Award recipient
  • Champions of Character Award recipient
  • Strong parent and community partnership
  • Dedicated space for innovative learning

Our Students

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Enrollment By Grade

Grade Level Count
Kindergarten 52
1st Grade 37
2nd Grade 51
3rd Grade 50
4th Grade 41
5th Grade 35
Total Enrollment


* Some values are not shown in order to protect small student populations.
Demographic Group Count
American Indian/Alaska Native *
Asian 2.3%
Black 6.8%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander *
Hispanic 4.9%
Multiracial 7.6%
White 78.4%

Our Staff

have advanced degrees
average years' experience
student/teacher ratio

Calendar Days and Attendance

days scheduled
proportional attendance rate
minimum hours of instruction

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